About Us

We advocate for the health of all North Carolinians by pursuing equitable and collaborative solutions that address climate change and air pollution.

CleanAIRE NC represents everyone who cares about health, equity, and the environment. We represent advocates, healthcare professionals, organizers, educators, scientists, and thousands of people from communities across North Carolina. Rural and urban, coastal, Piedmont and mountains, we are united by the belief that everyone deserves a healthy environment where they can grow and thrive. Together we advance solutions that address three powerful determinants of health in North Carolina: climate change, air pollution, and environmental justice. Through advocacy, education, and research, CleanAIRE NC is working to protect what connects us and ensure that all North Carolinians have access to clean air and a livable climate.

We advocate for clean "AIRE"

Action and Innovation to Restore the Environment

Our Priorities

Public Health

Happiness and prosperity for our communities and the people within them start with better health. We are determined to improve health outcomes as a way to build stronger, more vibrant communities where people can thrive.

Environmental Health

We seek to protect and conserve our ecosystems because the health of the planet is directly linked to the health of the people. Steps to slow climate change and improve air quality are simultaneous steps to improve the quality of life for everyone.

Environmental Justice

No community should suffer more environmental burdens and subsequent health risks because of their race, class, or socioeconomic status. We honor all North Carolinians by protecting and advancing their environmental rights.

Our Values


In order for people with different stories, experiences, and voices to work together, they must respect one another. Respect ultimately brings us together, and together we are stronger in the fight against climate change and air pollution.


Our advocacy work often situates us in uphill battles. In order to sustain our energy, determination, and vision, we must have passion. Our passion for public health and the environment allows us to rise above problems to create impact.


When we create alliances with communities and partners, we improve our capacity to address large-scale climate issues. We’re stronger when we work together. That’s why collaboration is the driving force behind our programming, community research, and advocacy.